Saturday, March 12, 2011

Selfish or Stupid?

Four Auburn football players arrested

In the above link you can read more about the story on courtesy of Kristi E. Swartz, but ladies and gentlemen, we boast and brag about the talent in Atlanta but why our talented young athletes keep flushing our credibility down the porcelain.  This young man in the above picture was a great Georgia talent, I coached against him as well as witness his blazing speed on a track.  The only question I have is....Is the financial woes of the college athletes this discouraging or are they being very selfish towards the people who have to go and pay for their education.  I just don't understand.  My coach told us when we were in high school that it only takes 0.2 seconds to make a STUPID decision.  I am not convicting or accusing Antonio of anything but I want him to know that the choices you make as an athlete can easily hunt you for the rest of your life.  Use this experience to be humble and ask for understanding that EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON!

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