Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hard To Find

as i gaze at the city from my artistic view, 
i see families walking, playing, and laughing but where are you?
probably consumed in nothing but want to be taken seriously
what we tell our young people when they have no direction just go be all you can be
but is this reality, is this wrong or right?
i have never accomplished anything in life without a fight
its just something about being the underdog that turns my on switch up
i used to get a kick out of making a quick buck
now i see that all those things i did and even the money i made amounted to nothing
on a quest now for my island queen or spanish seniorita but in the wrong places im loving
i dont want to come off as judmental
but we as a culture need to get back to the basics since reading is fundamental
take what you read and how you listen as a way to improve your character
i know your inner child may be hard to find

Thursday, April 7, 2011

This Little Light (Let it Shine, All Of The Lights)

This little LIGHT let it shine, for it is the reason that we pay attention,
this is dedicated to those who put their business on FACEBOOK & Twitter,
maybe you should rent a camera crew so you can at least get paid more than attention,

Let your LIGHT shine, because LIGHT is the only thing that defeat darkness,
Our objective is to get our shine on, not to fall off,
Good intentions are fine, even though NO GOOD DEED goes unpunished even in darkness,

What happens in the dark always comes into the LIGHT,
so if you thought for one moment that you was getting away with your mess, you wrong,
Someone always watching, trust and believe through life you always have to answer to the LIGHT.

Its like the PJs, roaches scatter when u turn the LIGHTS on,
Life is like a new show, if the spotLIGHT is on you, then you need to perform,
but if u not pleasing others, guess what they don't wanna put you on..

NightLIGHTS, bright LIGHTS, shining in the city, flipping tricks, I have to admit it was a lovely life,
But I grew up, I knew that wasn't what HE planned for me,
So now I'm getting my grown man on & building a new life...

Nice LIGHTS, her smile, nice headLIGHTS, her breast, nice reflection, I was talking about her Complexion,
I used to love LIGHTskin females then I grew up, thanks to Keisha & Tiffany I decided to love those with a tan,
Then I moved to East Atlanta and now I am a sucker for accents, culture, & females with my COMPLEXION,

In the midst are dark intentions of the world and in these streets,
I'm determined to let my lil' positive LIGHT shine,
Loving my past because its made me make the right decisions away from the streets.

To the single mothers that think nobody care, LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE,
to the struggling brother who think that he need that fast money, but has the talent to do whatever LET YOUR LIGHT...
Let your Light illuminate the room, All Eyez on You, that's what PAC was talking about, LET it SHINE,

All the wrong in the world, communities, schools, churches, we are closing our eyes & looking the other way,
Criticize me for my thoughts, my words, my life, call me a hypocrite if u want, its my LIGHT,
The thing is, you don't have the power to turn MINE off, lol, I defeated DEATH 3 times, still here, by the way,

In a bad relationship you can't see the troubles or faults until you see the LIGHT,
Been blinded by BS and sold dreams & broken promises,
Now, you at the bar, or in the hood talking about you need a drink or a LIGHT.....

Congrats to all who are in the midst of darkness but letting their LIGHT shine, making those POWER MOVES!  #salute

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dad accused of tattooing his toddler is sentenced  |

So have we as a society and a people have come to a point in life where stupidity is now an understatement in judgment. I will admit, I met some people in middle school that had a tattoo. And if this is you, by all means who am I to judge you or your parents nor the person who decided you were at 12 or 13 mature enough to have a tattoo. According to the Constitution we as a people have the right to express ourselves freely whether it may be through using your body as a canvas for artistic views and memories or by piercing your flesh. Either way, something has to strike us as strange or morally wrong when you have a story about a parent tattooing his child. At three years old, how bored are you as a parent that you want to give your child a tattoo, or how drunk or high could you be? Then again, how ignorant can you be to brand your child for life because you decide it was a good idea to do this. Click below for a more detailed report of the story. Feel free to post any comments. Dad accused of tattooing his toddler is sentenced