
 Below is just an snippet of the situation at hand in APS written by Kristina Torres.  This should be a state of emergency for not only Atlanta, but the state of Georgia and the entire country.  The question should not be what should we do about the cheating, it should be why are we putting people in a position to cheat.  I remember the ITBS test, when I was growing up, if this thing is subject to so much pressure why are we (teachers & administration) administering an exam that can change lives, hire some professionals that will make sure the results get into the right hands.  It's sad to see the amount of chaos that has been caused by the CRCT, No Child Left Behind, and AYP, jobs have been lost, schools have been devalued, characters and values of credible people have been questioned.  All because of this, and I have a deeper question at hand.  At the end of the day, how does this whole situation benefit the child?  Or does it?  How can we encourage young students to become teachers?  Some changes of course need to be made, but where do we start?

Atlanta Public Schools interim Superintendent Erroll Davis began Thursday to dismantle former school chief Beverly Hall's administration, promising a host of changes that included academic reviews for students affected by the system's cheating scandal, more ethics training for teachers and scrutiny of unusual test scores.