Sunday, January 30, 2011

Move Please

In the midst of your troubles you tend to have a wonderful sense of what you have gone through.  Of course, HE has the power to reveal to you and pull the wool over your eyes.  Listen whomever is in your circle you can regulate, just by opening up your eyes.  When blessings come your way, just listen, listen at the reactions that you have or the body language of your circle.  Don't be paranoid by their behaviors just be aware.  This sense will give you the strength to let some people go.  Because if you don't do that, they will be JUST IN THE WAY!  This is not sports, you shouldn't create a playoff bracket for who pleases you the most, who strokes your EGO, or who can GAS you up the most.  No, respect should be earned and appreciated.  Due process is considerable but when its all said and done, when your blessings arrive, who will still be the same person providing the same TRUTH to you in the events of your BLESSINGS.  Just listen, and for those who are creating negative vibes for you, just tell them MOVE PLEASE.....I have to keep it moving.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Its a Battle going On

Defend your mind this month as u prepare for BLACK HISTORY, start now at whatever it is that is on your mind that could lead to gr8 things, whether it is breaking that negative cycle in your family, applying for that new job/promotion, applying for that new house/car, joining that gym membership or new church, whatever your POWER MOVE is that has been on your mind, Make it happen!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Paid Dues

as an adult i look back over my life and begin to realize the type of lifestyle that is meant to be is a giving one.  so often we get caught up in being materialistic as a child.  i have to be fresh everyday, i need my house on the hill with the white fence.  or i need to get that benz with rims.  one can be so caught up in their success that they fail on a personal level by alienating people and creating selfish ways.  no successful story was created without the help of several people or a group of people.  he will never bless someone is completely selfish, money and riches dont mean that you are happy.  so people who appear to be rich, are on medication from stress and depression, have to sleep with one eye open, and never enjoy or experience of being happy.  just know and understand that with the spirit of giving from the heart and paying your dues you have earned that breakthrough.  help is on the way, dont breakdown before experiencing your breakthrough.  have you ever noticed that the most patient people are the most blessed spirits to be around.  thats because they are in a place of peace.  they have paid their dues and experience the ups and downs, they are working on themselves to become better in a life.  


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Begin Again

This New Year doesn’t need to be saddled with old baggage. Dedicate this down time to get out those conversations that need to be address, transform the old way of doings things into the new improved things.  Each new day, HE gives us 86,400 seconds to refresh, to begin again. Unlike your vacation days or cell phone minutes, these seconds don’t roll over. You can’t accumulate time. Spend it living your purpose not regretting your past.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

--Reinhold Niebuhr

Monday, January 10, 2011

Not the Obvious

Its HARD to move forward with no VISION, ask HIM for that wisdom & understanding, take a good LOOK at your TALENTS, what are u good at & what are u willing to do for a living not get paid turn that into your PATH. Sometimes the obvious is not where your BLESSINGS are, let HIM guide u, bcuz your BLESSINGS might be behind the door u thought would never OPEN...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Fearing the Unknown

Let me start off by saying that I never knew the impact of the words that I place on this platform, I never once thought what impact it would have on someone's life. The reason why I write is because it is therapeutic in most cases, whether it be stress, love, drama, anger, or just needing to release some energy. The background of this note is a conversation from one man to another. Just remember whatever I write I don't have a HEAVEN nor a HELL to put you in, therefore I pass no JUDGMENT only sharing my thoughts and exercising my FREEDOM OF SPEECH & EXPRESSION.

As we sit and talk, ideas begin to post to the forefront, he is sharing his thoughts and I was anxious to share mines. Although in most cases he always look at me as the type of person who may come off as confrontational or just shared things that he never thought about or understood. I often drift into another world with my perception of people's lives and choices because there is always a choice in life. He was the type growing up that never had a father figure in his life to teach and guide him as an adolescent to become a man. Yet he stepped up as an adult and fought a good fight with life raising his own child. When I say raising his own child I don't mean passing out donations to the baby mama every now and then and picking the child up and play for a couple of hours. NO, this man stepped up and let this woman know he is gonna accept her faults and raise this child with her. I commend him for that.

Well, so often when people are not taught something that they didn't know, realize, or understood, they have a choice to either research, listen to random countless conversations, or just ignore it and shut down. My very reason to embrace the aspect of teaching is to educate the minds of a group of people who are lost, not because they don't know but because they don't want or care to learn. Sometimes when great speakers speak, it don't really matter what they are talking about people who love to learn new things just get caught in the web of knowledge. I had no intention to turn a conversation (simple conversation) into a heated discussion or argument but I just wanted to know whether or not he accepted my way of thinking. Just because something didn't make sense to him he truly shut down and called me out for not knowing how to explain something in lament's terms. Yet, I sit and verbalize that I was never given an opportunity, but if you don't understand something that I say, just simply say "I don't follow you, or I don't quite understand where you are coming from?"

Finally, after the agreement that we disagree on points and outlooks, he labels me with this, "Sometimes when people are so HEADSTRONG they tend to think they know it all and that prevents them from success." Helleva statement, I considered myself educated not just because I graduated from high school and undergraduate school but because I'm willing to learn anything that you place in front of me. Now does this mean I know everything, NO, but I have knowledge that I made CHOICE in gaining. The whole "I don't care or whatever" attitude is getting old and played out to me especially with grown folks. He said that I can't force people to think like me, I don't want to do that, I just encourage learning, is that too much to ask for?


So often we as a people have to the GOD given talents to perform any tasks we put our minds to, our conversation was about Arabic people at the beginning of civilization building a wall to the sky to talk to GOD, GOD recognized it and confused their language, since they couldn't understand each other they stopped building and working, I simply said, people still do that today, just because we can't understand each other does not mean we can't co-exist. I might have to break it down for some but not for everybody, somebody caught that.

Moral of the story: Don't get DEFENSIVE, when someone wants to share their views with you and its difficult for you to understand, just remain PATIENT, and open your EYES and EARS to new possibilities!