Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mom in stabbing struggled emotionally  |

Mom in stabbing struggled emotionally |

For those who have ever questioned GOD, or whether or not there is a world far greater than our own understanding, let's take this story into consideration. A six foot, three hundred pound woman, murdering her down syndrome daughter and throwing her eight year old son out of a window. All the signs in the neighborhood led to this, but no one could do anything about. When will we as a society take the shades off our eyes and step up do something or anything about the troubles people go through. I know and understand you can not help everybody, but if you are not trying to help those who obviously need help, are you not contributing to the problem?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Renewed Possibility

In the midst of all the hurt and pain,
There's a calming scene while watching the rain,
The life of sin, will we live in vain,
The smile of a child, will keep me sane,
Crime is committed when you don't aboard that money train,
Now people are selling pills, hash, copper, as well cocaine,
What emerged from the Summer Breeze, a cold came,
Being a father and being a dad is not the same,
You walking about living your life, looking for a new dame,
But she milks you til you dry, now you look so dang lame,
Expletives was needed for the last line, but I"m not looking for fame,
As the mirror reflects the person on the outside, but who's inside that frame,
The good in you is there, the fool in you, you can hardly tame,
You breaking your families heart, they cry so hard it leaves a permanent stain,
Just because you want what you see on tv, get that monetary gain,
A Renewed Possibility, a new identity, shall be the TRUTH that remain.

Its not too late to be a responsible ADULT, don't look at the Foolishness trying to blend in, make an attempt to be yourself, and be an adult in the end.

Friday, July 1, 2011

#MV7 Redemption

Exclusive: Nike Re-Signs Michael Vick - CNBC

This is about to go down in history as the first time an endorser has had a change of heart after dropping an athlete or entertainer and regain their celebrity.  Michael Vick is the true example of Redemption.  When everybody signed him off and treated him like the scum of the earth.  He now is back in the NFL after serving his sentence in prison.  As well as regained the trust and respect of the future spokesman for the NFL as of April 2012, Nike.  They see despite all of the reports and turmoil, people (alot) of people still love Mike Vick.  I salute you sir!  This type of second chance can only come from a higher power, people these days are so quick to crucify a person when they make a mistake.  I pray that the reminder of your career will be highlighted with a Championship ring!  Welcome back to NIKE!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Playing both sides of the Fence

I see this story as a sense of spit in the face of law enforcement and the economy.  Nobody is safe these days, its corruption all around us.  Somehow its a test to the old question, "Does everybody have a price?"  I understand loyalty but I shatter the idea of stupidity when the price of your freedom is questioned.  Federal time or offenses is not worth the hassle.  But maybe my street ties are not that strong, because some things just should not be ask of, by someone who is supposed have your best interest at hand.  This story seems bigger than what they have published.  Maybe we should stay tuned.

So You Took Your Talents Down to South Beach?

Eddie Long accuser arrested on drug, gun charges |

Here's a perfect example of what happens in the dark always come to the light.  Not that soon after the million dollar settlement of the Eddie Long case guess who pops back up in the news.  At 24, I admit I have made some mistakes, hey, alot of mistakes, but this right here....has dumb written all over it.  I don't know the whole story, don't really care.  Shoutout to the others who got paid, what do you call person who will do anything for money?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Summer Rain

This is the time of year, where the challenge of living right is tested,
as the flesh begins to flourish in the heat, and good thoughts are rested,
Beautiful skin, bodies, and smiles around you,
thoughts/plans of who is gonna be your next boo,
Bath & Body Works scents surrounding the mall,
the excuses used by many, short we all fall,
This is the leisure time for teachers & some students,
thoughts and actions will not be considered in prudence,
I always assumed when u get to a certain point or place in life,
the idea of physical would not be as important to someone's life,
Whether right or wrong, doing & saying the ol' things should change,
waiting for that young & tender should be a no, no, because they are out of your age range,
Limited thoughts, and vocabulary is what I assume,
from young minds regardless of age leading to doom,
I salute those who can make it through any storm,
bad people disguised to be what they aren't in any form,
Shoutout to the other single people in the world, we not alone,
so on those late summer nights, they'll be waiting by the phone...

Never needed a date to be happy, the summer rain is enough to make a grown man cry, Cry tears of Joy, with joy you will realize, only ONE could provide that joy, which makes it easier to recognize the ones who are just there for a season.  If you know like I know, if you don't want that season to begin, try the LOCKOUT approach.  NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Neglecting words

Yesterday's message was about SURRENDERING FAITH, so often ppl ask u to keep the FAITH or remain FAITHFUL, but without any recognition of what must transpire in order for your blessings to become complete, it is describes as "Substance of things hoped, the evidence of things not seen"
Basically if u have no vision, don't blame your decision on FAITH! Bcuz most often u will do use the word FAITH but not practice it, then when things go bad, u blame HIM, ask for UNDERSTANDING, that way u can VISUALIZE your blessings & create a foundation for it to stand on

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hard To Find

as i gaze at the city from my artistic view, 
i see families walking, playing, and laughing but where are you?
probably consumed in nothing but want to be taken seriously
what we tell our young people when they have no direction just go be all you can be
but is this reality, is this wrong or right?
i have never accomplished anything in life without a fight
its just something about being the underdog that turns my on switch up
i used to get a kick out of making a quick buck
now i see that all those things i did and even the money i made amounted to nothing
on a quest now for my island queen or spanish seniorita but in the wrong places im loving
i dont want to come off as judmental
but we as a culture need to get back to the basics since reading is fundamental
take what you read and how you listen as a way to improve your character
i know your inner child may be hard to find

Thursday, April 7, 2011

This Little Light (Let it Shine, All Of The Lights)

This little LIGHT let it shine, for it is the reason that we pay attention,
this is dedicated to those who put their business on FACEBOOK & Twitter,
maybe you should rent a camera crew so you can at least get paid more than attention,

Let your LIGHT shine, because LIGHT is the only thing that defeat darkness,
Our objective is to get our shine on, not to fall off,
Good intentions are fine, even though NO GOOD DEED goes unpunished even in darkness,

What happens in the dark always comes into the LIGHT,
so if you thought for one moment that you was getting away with your mess, you wrong,
Someone always watching, trust and believe through life you always have to answer to the LIGHT.

Its like the PJs, roaches scatter when u turn the LIGHTS on,
Life is like a new show, if the spotLIGHT is on you, then you need to perform,
but if u not pleasing others, guess what they don't wanna put you on..

NightLIGHTS, bright LIGHTS, shining in the city, flipping tricks, I have to admit it was a lovely life,
But I grew up, I knew that wasn't what HE planned for me,
So now I'm getting my grown man on & building a new life...

Nice LIGHTS, her smile, nice headLIGHTS, her breast, nice reflection, I was talking about her Complexion,
I used to love LIGHTskin females then I grew up, thanks to Keisha & Tiffany I decided to love those with a tan,
Then I moved to East Atlanta and now I am a sucker for accents, culture, & females with my COMPLEXION,

In the midst are dark intentions of the world and in these streets,
I'm determined to let my lil' positive LIGHT shine,
Loving my past because its made me make the right decisions away from the streets.

To the single mothers that think nobody care, LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE,
to the struggling brother who think that he need that fast money, but has the talent to do whatever LET YOUR LIGHT...
Let your Light illuminate the room, All Eyez on You, that's what PAC was talking about, LET it SHINE,

All the wrong in the world, communities, schools, churches, we are closing our eyes & looking the other way,
Criticize me for my thoughts, my words, my life, call me a hypocrite if u want, its my LIGHT,
The thing is, you don't have the power to turn MINE off, lol, I defeated DEATH 3 times, still here, by the way,

In a bad relationship you can't see the troubles or faults until you see the LIGHT,
Been blinded by BS and sold dreams & broken promises,
Now, you at the bar, or in the hood talking about you need a drink or a LIGHT.....

Congrats to all who are in the midst of darkness but letting their LIGHT shine, making those POWER MOVES!  #salute

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dad accused of tattooing his toddler is sentenced  |

So have we as a society and a people have come to a point in life where stupidity is now an understatement in judgment. I will admit, I met some people in middle school that had a tattoo. And if this is you, by all means who am I to judge you or your parents nor the person who decided you were at 12 or 13 mature enough to have a tattoo. According to the Constitution we as a people have the right to express ourselves freely whether it may be through using your body as a canvas for artistic views and memories or by piercing your flesh. Either way, something has to strike us as strange or morally wrong when you have a story about a parent tattooing his child. At three years old, how bored are you as a parent that you want to give your child a tattoo, or how drunk or high could you be? Then again, how ignorant can you be to brand your child for life because you decide it was a good idea to do this. Click below for a more detailed report of the story. Feel free to post any comments. Dad accused of tattooing his toddler is sentenced

Sunday, March 20, 2011

They Say So Much

In the midst of March Madness, I can't help but to look out and see the issues in our world.  Earthquakes are natural disasters but what about the famine in the families, the corruption in our government, calamity in our school systems, inflation in gas, the ability to rule the world financially by just killing off your own people.  These issues should not be ignored, the inability to have substance on the radio but the full access of your own people to promote sex and drugs to our youth.  This is not what you want to hear right now but I'm going to say.  The parents who have so much to complain about but never attend a PTSA meeting.  The brother who loves to borrow money but when he has it to spend he never wants to donate.  Talking about the fathers who say they got children but they ate three hot meals today and have new Polo on, but their babies are struggling at home with their bitter mother.  Why?  Well maybe its because of that young girl who was raised by a single mother and never knew what love really was because her real father was absent in her life and the only man that she respected was a janitor at the high school who really wanted to only have sex  with her.  Maybe its that female who is looking for love in all the wrong places and tends to be mad at everybody except the person she sees in the mirror every morning. 
Perhaps I am wrong because I have an opinion and feel it should be valued as well.  Or maybe disturbed the mentality of Southern republicans who crucify our president yet we got some many complaints right while the Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi promised a long war.  Your freedom is argued every day, because you don't feel like going to work, yet I got family and friends out here risking their life so that you can debate on what outfit you going to work to the club. 
People in Haiti still haven't recovered from the Earthquake, yet their country has an opportunity to chose a new leader and hopefully reclaim some type of recovery.  After reports of over 230,000 people killed and over $9 billion in damage, how many years do you think it will take for them to recover.  See, our country has suffered economic loses but more due to misappropiation of funds, poor leaders, and the disassembling of some big spending drug cartels.  Did I just say that?  Yes, think about it, if some of the Drug leaders were still free think about how many retail stores would still be open. 
I wonder how many pre-teens, teenagers, and their parents know who is the wealthiest man/person in the world.  Do you?  I asked a class the other day "How many future doctors do I have in the room?"  I had one girl and one boy, then the boy decided that he was just stretching.  The little girl wanted to be a pediatrician.  This was a room of 30 seventh graders.  I know they are young now, but I honestly feel the exposure to real substance and believeable characters rather than a dope boi, pusherman, rapping, robbing image is so fictional in this storybook lifestyle of the poor leading the blind that I am about to start pushing harder towards leadership groups and pushing harder on these young men 25 and older that I refer to as OG's because technically and sadly we are.  So many young men are losing their life at a young age including prison sentences that we are the survival kits to the new generation. 
Schools are suffering because of lack of funds, almost having to place every old school under probation because of lack of funds and poor test results.  Thoughts of doign away with the trades/elective style classes because leaders feel that it is a waste of money and time.  As if the students don't need a break.  Majority of the adults have low attention span so how you expect the chidren not to act up or out when they are forced to stay in a classroom all day.  We are paying superintendents in Georgia roughly about $250,000 on average this includes salary, bonuses, car and phone stipends.  A quarter of a million dollars to one person.  I'm pausing because I know some that are reading this don't know.  Yet we are in the hole as a state in budget, oh, but we do have enough money to build new schools each year.  Schools may I add that have to be maintained yet are million dollar facilities.  Who said you don't need Algebra we you become an adult?  What's x + y(z) = ?  Don't worry I'll wait, for those who pay taxes every year and have children check your W2 and YTD start putting 2 and 2 together.  Better ask more questions start being more involved.  Your parents didn't raise you to be just like them, you were designed to be better.

Normally, people go on blogs and facebook and begin to flex and flaunt about what they got or wish they had. I'm the type to talk about real life.  I had a lil' boi come to me the other day and say he was from Thomasville, well my family is from Thomasville too sir, but you're young enough to be my child so what you remember about Thomasville might not be the real.

I wanna say I love my full Family, Earleys (Thomasville), Minters (Mechancsville & spreaded out throughout the U.S.), Rowe (Fairburn & the Southside/Westside), Sneeze (Custer Ave & the Westside). 

Understand I'm a YOUNG HEART & OLD SOUL. 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Selfish or Stupid?

Four Auburn football players arrested

In the above link you can read more about the story on courtesy of Kristi E. Swartz, but ladies and gentlemen, we boast and brag about the talent in Atlanta but why our talented young athletes keep flushing our credibility down the porcelain.  This young man in the above picture was a great Georgia talent, I coached against him as well as witness his blazing speed on a track.  The only question I have is....Is the financial woes of the college athletes this discouraging or are they being very selfish towards the people who have to go and pay for their education.  I just don't understand.  My coach told us when we were in high school that it only takes 0.2 seconds to make a STUPID decision.  I am not convicting or accusing Antonio of anything but I want him to know that the choices you make as an athlete can easily hunt you for the rest of your life.  Use this experience to be humble and ask for understanding that EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON!

Friday, February 18, 2011

State: Atlanta schools protect those who would intimidate whistleblowers  |

State: Atlanta schools protect those who would intimidate whistleblowers |

State investigators have uncovered what they call a pattern of “intimidating, threatening and retaliating” against Atlanta Public Schools employees who report cheating or other improprieties.

In a piercing letter Wednesday to the school system demanding a stop to obstructive practices, investigators suggested the district has acted “to protect those in its ranks who engage in intimidation of potential witnesses to cheating.”

The investigators said they found evidence the district has engaged in such practices for years. But even during the state’s current criminal inquiry into cheating on standardized tests, the investigators said, school officials have allowed principals under suspicion to stand just outside rooms where witnesses were giving statements, “with the obvious intent to make their presence known and to put a chilling effect on the staff member being interviewed.”

The investigators also complained that the district waited two months to reassign a high-level official accused of advising principals to not cooperate with the inquiry and instructing them to write “go to hell” memos to state agents. The delay, investigators said, gave the official time to retaliate against at least one subordinate. And the district suppressed information about its own inquiry into the official’s actions, investigators Mike Bowers, Bob Wilson and Richard Hyde said.

The investigators’ letter — first reported Thursday by Channel 2 Action News — stops barely short of accusing district officials of criminal violation of a state law that prohibits threatening witnesses.

Nevertheless, the letter raises the stakes in an already tense conflict between the district and the state investigators whose inquiry is casting doubts on the schools’ claims of long-term academic achievement.

The investigators told the district to drop plans, announced Monday, to look into excessive wrong-to-right erasures on the 2010 Criterion-Referenced Competency Test in 16 schools. The state investigation began last summer after then-Gov. Sonny Perdue and other state officials questioned the diligence of the district’s examination of suspicious erasures on the 2009 CRCT in 58 Atlanta elementary and middle schools.

“Any investigation by APS into alleged cheating on the 2010 CRCT, wrong-to-right erasures, possible test tampering and any related issues must cease and desist immediately,” Bowers, Wilson and Hyde wrote. “As we previously warned you, any such investigation by APS will invariably interfere with and impede the governor’s special investigation into possible test tampering. ...Any attempt by APS to interfere with our investigation or to conduct its own investigation would be seen as obstruction, an attempt to influence witnesses and tampering with evidence.”

Superintendent Beverly Hall, in a letter to a state education official Wednesday, denied the district plans to investigate the 2010 erasures but will only be “conducting an analysis.”

The state investigators did not respond to messages Thursday seeking interviews.

A school district spokesman, Keith Bromery, said in an e-mail: “We intend to continue to fully cooperate with the special investigation to get to the bottom of any wrongdoing. We have received the letter from the special investigators and are reviewing it and will provide them with a response.”

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported last month that the school district often punishes teachers and other employees who report wrongdoing while rewarding those who keep quiet. Some teachers have themselves been investigated after reporting that colleagues or supervisors cheated. Others have been subjected to questions about their mental health. Some have lost their jobs.

In Wednesday’s letter, state investigators suggested the district’s internal inquiries would get in their way by involving the same witnesses and the same documents. Further, the investigators wrote, the district might take disciplinary action against witnesses in a criminal case — which, they said, “could clearly result in the threatening of witnesses in an official proceeding.”

Under state law, they said, illegal threats involve not only those of physical harm, but of economic damage — such as the loss of a job or a demotion. Their concerns, the investigators wrote, “are not unwarranted.”

They said they found evidence that, at least since the early 2000s, the district engaged in “a pattern and practice” of punishing employees who reported cheating or questioned how administrators handled the CRCT. At least one principal had his lawyer ask teachers what they told state agents and whether they received immunity from prosecution, the investigators said.

The investigators also said they received information about Tamara Cotman, an area superintendent, who “intimidated” principals by having them write “go to hell” letters to state agents during a meeting. The AJC reported on the episode Sunday.

“Although Ms. Cotman’s conduct was reported directly to APS, APS took no action against Ms. Cotman for nearly two months, and then only after one of the attendees apparently went public with the story to the AJC,” the investigators wrote.

State investigators’ earlier warnings about internal inquiries should have been clear to the district’s administration, said Yolanda Johnson, a member of the Atlanta Board of Education. She said she was speaking as an individual, not on the board’s behalf.

Johnson had not seen the investigators’ letter. But after hearing the section detailing retaliation against employees, she said: “Wow. Obviously, that’s unacceptable.”

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Fall For Your Type

I have been very critical of my past,
growing, living life hard, blowing money fast,
Big tipper heavy spender burning cash
So easy when I get a large sum of money to run like a 40 yard dash.

Having expensive taste with big dreams and low income
Metro area of Atlanta is where I come from,
where we spend more than we make
Can barely keep our phone on but out with a plate of steak.

Lately I've been feeling like the single mother magnet
Attracting strong black women that if you don't call they have a fit,
Those who have a past, but are trying not to make the same mistake twice
Not realizing every decision that you make from then to now always has a price.

I always wondered what it would feel like to fall in love with a human,
or should I say woman that's not my blood is what I'm doing,
Trying not to break hearts I just want to give her what she never had
She keeps calling me "daddy" but I swear I just saw her dad.

As I exercise my right to better myself,
I tend to get excited by not the riches but the wealth,
HE intended for us to have someone in life to share this with
You have to believe me when I say this is just a gift.

I'm a fool for you, needing that same attention that you gave me from the beginning,
Loving you, hugging you, kissing you, again and again.
The only thing is can we share this love that we have inside,
Til death do us part, you will be my RIDE or DIE!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Your Self-Worth

Each day we are blessed with the opportunity to grace a day is because of LOVE.  Love shared by a being that is greatly argued as the greatest power known to the world.  A Heavenly power, that is possessed that no man can fathom yet can be pursued.  And if this is truly the case, why we have so many people in the world who walk around mad at the world and themselves to the point where they would rather hurt or harm themselves.  I wanted to share my thoughts about pushing forward because no matter what you may think, there is someone out here at least one person out here that presents LOVE.

Love unconditionally, no matter what you may say, no matter what you may do, there is someone that Loves you.  But if you do not love yourself how can you ever love someone.  People would not like what I'm about to say but I see so often women who have relationship problems and decide they want to get pregnant.  They think that getting pregnant will provide that void they have been missing.  If you think you need to give birth in order to be loved then you never loved yourself in the beginning.

So often there is a sensitivity issue where you have people who are mad at the world and think that everybody is against them.  Yet, they keep surrounding themselves around people who mean them no good.  Well if you no these people are no good why keep coming around them.  "Misery LOVES company."  Wow, if Misery Loves why can't you love yourself?  I have experienced people pushing away good people just because those who were most familiar with them knew how to bring them down and that was what they were accustomed to.

These spirits are liars, anybody who can blatantly tell you that you will be nothing or you should not try to better yourself is a liar.  That's not LOVE, that is the total opposite and those types of evil spirits need to be by themselves.  I sometimes laugh at people who hate spending time by themselves.  If you can't enjoy the likes of your own company what makes you think people truly want to enjoy your company.  Now, miserable people do enjoy miserable people.  No matter what the situation may be, they will go out their way to make sure being caught in a web of mess or drama is attainable.

I said all this to tell you this, please recognize your self-worth and what you have to offer.  Never downgrade your worth and value because everyday you wake, that means you are here for a purpose.  Its time to start recognizing it and let your LIGHT shine.  If you don't have HATERS that means you were never doing your job in the first place.

Never get tired of doing the RIGHT thing, but stop making people a PRIORITY when you're just an OPTION...You can do BAD by yourself.

by Quavo

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Move Please

In the midst of your troubles you tend to have a wonderful sense of what you have gone through.  Of course, HE has the power to reveal to you and pull the wool over your eyes.  Listen whomever is in your circle you can regulate, just by opening up your eyes.  When blessings come your way, just listen, listen at the reactions that you have or the body language of your circle.  Don't be paranoid by their behaviors just be aware.  This sense will give you the strength to let some people go.  Because if you don't do that, they will be JUST IN THE WAY!  This is not sports, you shouldn't create a playoff bracket for who pleases you the most, who strokes your EGO, or who can GAS you up the most.  No, respect should be earned and appreciated.  Due process is considerable but when its all said and done, when your blessings arrive, who will still be the same person providing the same TRUTH to you in the events of your BLESSINGS.  Just listen, and for those who are creating negative vibes for you, just tell them MOVE PLEASE.....I have to keep it moving.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Its a Battle going On

Defend your mind this month as u prepare for BLACK HISTORY, start now at whatever it is that is on your mind that could lead to gr8 things, whether it is breaking that negative cycle in your family, applying for that new job/promotion, applying for that new house/car, joining that gym membership or new church, whatever your POWER MOVE is that has been on your mind, Make it happen!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Paid Dues

as an adult i look back over my life and begin to realize the type of lifestyle that is meant to be is a giving one.  so often we get caught up in being materialistic as a child.  i have to be fresh everyday, i need my house on the hill with the white fence.  or i need to get that benz with rims.  one can be so caught up in their success that they fail on a personal level by alienating people and creating selfish ways.  no successful story was created without the help of several people or a group of people.  he will never bless someone is completely selfish, money and riches dont mean that you are happy.  so people who appear to be rich, are on medication from stress and depression, have to sleep with one eye open, and never enjoy or experience of being happy.  just know and understand that with the spirit of giving from the heart and paying your dues you have earned that breakthrough.  help is on the way, dont breakdown before experiencing your breakthrough.  have you ever noticed that the most patient people are the most blessed spirits to be around.  thats because they are in a place of peace.  they have paid their dues and experience the ups and downs, they are working on themselves to become better in a life.  


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Begin Again

This New Year doesn’t need to be saddled with old baggage. Dedicate this down time to get out those conversations that need to be address, transform the old way of doings things into the new improved things.  Each new day, HE gives us 86,400 seconds to refresh, to begin again. Unlike your vacation days or cell phone minutes, these seconds don’t roll over. You can’t accumulate time. Spend it living your purpose not regretting your past.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

--Reinhold Niebuhr

Monday, January 10, 2011

Not the Obvious

Its HARD to move forward with no VISION, ask HIM for that wisdom & understanding, take a good LOOK at your TALENTS, what are u good at & what are u willing to do for a living not get paid turn that into your PATH. Sometimes the obvious is not where your BLESSINGS are, let HIM guide u, bcuz your BLESSINGS might be behind the door u thought would never OPEN...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Fearing the Unknown

Let me start off by saying that I never knew the impact of the words that I place on this platform, I never once thought what impact it would have on someone's life. The reason why I write is because it is therapeutic in most cases, whether it be stress, love, drama, anger, or just needing to release some energy. The background of this note is a conversation from one man to another. Just remember whatever I write I don't have a HEAVEN nor a HELL to put you in, therefore I pass no JUDGMENT only sharing my thoughts and exercising my FREEDOM OF SPEECH & EXPRESSION.

As we sit and talk, ideas begin to post to the forefront, he is sharing his thoughts and I was anxious to share mines. Although in most cases he always look at me as the type of person who may come off as confrontational or just shared things that he never thought about or understood. I often drift into another world with my perception of people's lives and choices because there is always a choice in life. He was the type growing up that never had a father figure in his life to teach and guide him as an adolescent to become a man. Yet he stepped up as an adult and fought a good fight with life raising his own child. When I say raising his own child I don't mean passing out donations to the baby mama every now and then and picking the child up and play for a couple of hours. NO, this man stepped up and let this woman know he is gonna accept her faults and raise this child with her. I commend him for that.

Well, so often when people are not taught something that they didn't know, realize, or understood, they have a choice to either research, listen to random countless conversations, or just ignore it and shut down. My very reason to embrace the aspect of teaching is to educate the minds of a group of people who are lost, not because they don't know but because they don't want or care to learn. Sometimes when great speakers speak, it don't really matter what they are talking about people who love to learn new things just get caught in the web of knowledge. I had no intention to turn a conversation (simple conversation) into a heated discussion or argument but I just wanted to know whether or not he accepted my way of thinking. Just because something didn't make sense to him he truly shut down and called me out for not knowing how to explain something in lament's terms. Yet, I sit and verbalize that I was never given an opportunity, but if you don't understand something that I say, just simply say "I don't follow you, or I don't quite understand where you are coming from?"

Finally, after the agreement that we disagree on points and outlooks, he labels me with this, "Sometimes when people are so HEADSTRONG they tend to think they know it all and that prevents them from success." Helleva statement, I considered myself educated not just because I graduated from high school and undergraduate school but because I'm willing to learn anything that you place in front of me. Now does this mean I know everything, NO, but I have knowledge that I made CHOICE in gaining. The whole "I don't care or whatever" attitude is getting old and played out to me especially with grown folks. He said that I can't force people to think like me, I don't want to do that, I just encourage learning, is that too much to ask for?


So often we as a people have to the GOD given talents to perform any tasks we put our minds to, our conversation was about Arabic people at the beginning of civilization building a wall to the sky to talk to GOD, GOD recognized it and confused their language, since they couldn't understand each other they stopped building and working, I simply said, people still do that today, just because we can't understand each other does not mean we can't co-exist. I might have to break it down for some but not for everybody, somebody caught that.

Moral of the story: Don't get DEFENSIVE, when someone wants to share their views with you and its difficult for you to understand, just remain PATIENT, and open your EYES and EARS to new possibilities!